We can't stand these words anymore and we do not want them to make it into the New Year at all.
We all love slangs and new words but after some time the novelty wears out. Sadly, people still hold on to these words until the coolness has been totally killed in them.
2016 had its fair share of
annoying words that haunted us in real life and in social media. Enough
is enough! These words should not be allowed into 2017. Please!
1) Woke
to the Internet apparently made a lot of people feel very enlightened
this year. The word 'woke' came out of thin air to describe these
so-called really smart people who have an enlightened view on everyday
topics. The word has been so abused right now that it has become a bore
and everyone is now using it.
2) Slay
is another eye-rolling word. Please, let us agree to keep this word in
2016 and not bring it into the New Year. Bloggers have sapped the fun
out of this word. Everyone these days now slays even clear fashion
3) Lit
don't need this word to crossover. Let us have fun at events without
calling it lit. The word is too mainstream now and it's no longer a cool
word to say. You will be judged if you utter this word in 2017.
4) Bae
there should be a new word to describe your significant other. Bae has
been around for two years now and it has overstayed its welcome. It has
been ridiculed and made fun of but we are still holding on to it. Don't
be scared, let it go and find a better word in 2017.
5) Feminism
should this word make it into 2017? So many Twitter feminists abused
the word that the importance of it is lost on many these days. Maybe the
movement needs a new name or a cool abbreviation.
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